I See My Future In An Instant And There It Goes...

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; and the realist adjusts the sails" These words inspire me a lot. I'd like to think that I adjust to the sails...Welcome to my site, I hope you enjoy your time here...Don't forget to sign the tag-board or guest book please!!!

Friday, July 16, 2004

My goodness! Such a long time since I last updated. I have more time to do so now and I shall try not to neglect this in the future. First off, I think Im going to start by saying "Thank You" to Chris, Willy and the rest of the 2003 graduates that helped make that nice BIG sign for me for graduation. I really apriciate the fact that you guys went out of your way to do so!! Thanks everyone for the flowers!! I recieved so many and I used up three vases in my house just to set them all out! I had my big grad bash a few weeks ago and thanks to all that attended. It was great to see everyone play spoons! Pocholo really knows what its like to wear make-up now :)
I participated in the TOYL camp this year as well and it was quite the experience. I'm glad to say that Rachel and other of the chaperones where there. I believe that without them, it wouldn't have been as great. I did buy a Cal Lutheran tank top that was on sale for $12. yay!
I have been going to school at Moorpark and I can only say that I'm having a blast there. My classes, teachers, and classmates are all fun! Especially in my english class. i happen to be the youngest in that class and I'm with a great group. To pass the time quickly in there our group likes to make jokes about everything. That Japanese boy in there is the most hilarious kid. He breaks out with the most hilarious comment. we also watched Ferenheight 9/11. Good film. I recommend people actually go out and watch it. Michael Moore actually makes a really good argument. I've been seeing people off and on and I can only say I really miss the KSG girls. We have not been all together since graduation. I miss flagging and not seeing them everyday during the summer anymore. Also, practice for Clarivel's Debut is loads of fun. I have to wear pink!!! AHHHHH! But because it means so much to Clarivel, I shall not complain. There is so much I'd like to say and do but I just can't think of at the moment. Hope you're all having a good summer!! :::MUAH::::

Lladira at 8:44 PM

QUOTE OF THE DAY!: "Saying it's impossible, is not dreaming at all." -- ME!! ha I've finally been inspired...

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